The Australian Government oversees Registered Training Organisations to ensure that quality standards of education and awarding qualifications meet the requirements of the Australian Qualifications Framework. Therefore, Australian Health and Management Institute is responsible for the quality of training and assessment, student support services and the issuance of Australian Qualifications Framework certification on completion of a course.
The following Australian Health and Management Institute courses are delivered and assessed under the Australian Qualifications Framework to ensure quality training and assessment. The following AQF courses are listed on the National Register at and on CRICOS
Students study full time mixed mode of delivery that integrates:
This qualification reflects the role of support workers who complete specialised tasks and functions in aged services; either in residential, home or community based environments. Workers will take responsibility for their own outputs within defined organisation guidelines and maintain quality service delivery through the development, facilitation and review of individualised service planning and delivery.
Workers may be required to demonstrate leadership and have limited responsibility for the organisation and the quantity and quality of outputs of others within limited parameters.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 120 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of the units of competency.
The Certificate IV in Ageing Support consists of 18 units of competency; 15 Core Units and 3 Elective Units.
Core Units
Manage legal and ethical compliance |
Work with diverse people |
Facilitate the empowerment of older people |
Provide support to people living with dementia |
Recognise healthy body systems |
Implement interventions with older people at risk |
Facilitate the interests and rights of clients |
Deliver care services using a palliative approach |
Coordinate services for older people |
Support independence and well being |
Support relationships with carers and families |
Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships |
Facilitate individual service planning and delivery |
Meet personal support needs |
Follow safe work practices for direct client care |
Elective Units
Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedure |
Assist client with medication |
Manage work health and safety |
Students must be 18 years of age or above and provide evidence the following published entry requirements as stated below:
International Students
English Language Entry Requirements:
Students are required to complete 120 hours mandatory work placement to complete CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support.
Students may request Australian Health and Management Institute to organise their work placement or they may find their own mandatory work placement. In the event the student has selected the work placement, Australian Health and Management Institute staff undertakes a work place suitability assessment prior to approval.
All students are required to evidence the following documentation prior to undertaking mandatory work placement.
Graduates may find employment in broad range of industry as:
Further training pathways from this qualification may lead to any of the following qualifications:
Students that successfully complete all 18 units of competency as stated in the Course Structure and mandatory 120hrs work placement, will be issued with CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support. This qualification is recognised nationally under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Students that complete some but not all of the units of competency as stated in the Course Structure may be issued with a Statement of Attainment. It will identify only those units of competence that have been completed as part of the qualification and recognised nationally under the AQF. It will identify only those units of competence that have been completed as part of the qualification and recognised nationally under the AQF.